Biggest water-cooled QUANTUM chiller > 비디오 갤러리

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비디오 갤러리

Biggest water-cooled QUANTUM chiller

페이지 정보

작성일작성일 2021-06-22


Water –cooled QUANTUM chillers ensure maximum operational reliability: For a large corporation in the pharmaceutical and chemical sector, the refrigeration specialist ENGIE Refrigeration from Lindau is implementing the biggest water-cooled QUANTUM chiller yet, with eight highly efficient, oilfree compressors that use the eco-friendly refrigerant R-1234ze. The customer will thus benefit from a refrigeration solution with especially high operational reliability. More details via

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서울사무소 (우 05542) 서울시 송파구 올림픽로 336 대우유토피아빌딩 501호 (방이동) / T. 02. 515. 2800 / F. 02. 515. 2801

공장 (우 15117) 경기도 시흥시 엠티브이 25로 58번길 33 (정왕동, 3사블럭 106롯트) / T. 031. 491. 0271~3 / F. 031. 491. 0274


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